Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Scoring a goal

  In my 10 year career I have found that scoring has got to be the most amazing feeling in the world. When that puck crosses the goal line and it is because of you, I always seem to get that rush of adrenaline. Whenever you score it doesn’t what scenario it is I always seem to find myself on top of the world. It doesn’t matter if you have a bad game or a good game it can take you from being low, to being the big man on the ice.

    I have scored goals that win overtime games, to scoring to beat the buzzer to force overtime and even some when we were blowing out a team. It just does not make the difference when you score it just matters that you score. I seem to always get that rush and want to show the world that you did something great. I always seem to get excited and celebrate with loud emotions and gestures to get my team going.

In my honest opinion scoring a goal is the single greatest to get my adrenaline going into a game. Just think about all those NHL players who have their name on the Stanley cup that scored that game winning goal to bring the Stanley cup home. I would give up anything to be one of those guys and have my name engraved onto the Stanley cup. But that’s what we play for, and that’s why we score goals.

So I all i can say now is go out there and get that rush and score soem goals

Cheers Donkey

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Top ten hockey slang terms.

      Hockey has its own language in where if you don't play hockey, you probably won’t understand what they’re saying. It can also be called hockey terminology. Here are my top ten favourite slang words for hockey.

       Top 10 slang for hockey

10. Gordie Howe hat trick - Where a player will score a goal, a assist and get into a fight all in the same game.

9. Natural Hat Trick - Is where a player scores 3 goals in a row, without anyone else on the ice scoring in between his goals.

8. Playoff Beard - The greatest thing about the playoffs over than winning the Stanley Cup is where a player we not shave is facial hair during the playoffs until his team is eliminated from the post season.

7. Gino - This means a goal in hockey terms, when a player scores.

6. Apple - This means an assist, which is when a player passes to the player who scored.

5. Sin Bin - This refers to a penalty box

4. Twig - A hockey stick is often called a twig, because in the old days everything was made out of wood.

3. Yard Sale - When a player gets hit on the ice and losing some of his gear, usually his gloves helmet and stick.

2. Tilly - When a two opposing players drop there gloves and we have a good old fashion hockey fight.

1. Bar Down - Every hockey players dream when there little is to take a shot and have it hit the crossbar and goal straight down into the net.

So now go out there with this knowledge and be that hockey player that makes a difference,

Cheers Donkey.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hockey superstitions good or bad?

    Some of the greatest players to have ever laced up a pair of skates all have some sort of superstitions. Patrick Roy one of the greatest players to have ever step foot onto the ice, had not one but many rituals that he followed throughout his career. He would always jump over the lines on the ice never to step on one. He also would have conversations with his goal post's after they would save him numerous of times. Another prime example of players being superstitious is during the playoffs, players will not shave off there beard for the reason as they feel it brings them luck. I myself have superstitions and rituals that if I don't follow, I mentally have an awful game, so our hockey rituals and superstitions bad?

     Players in hockey know that hockey is not all about the physical strength and skill. It’s just as much about the mental preparation and determination. For me if I don`t prepare myself mentally for a game I won’t be ready for that battle on the ice. Superstitions in hockey are the basics to having a good performance it gets a player mentally prepared and focussed for the task at hand. All the greats that are in the Hall of Fame or still playing know that skill doesn’t win you hockey games, you need your mind just about as much as you need your skill. For me my superstitions are I can’t have my blade of my stick touch the ground before I touch the ice, I also have to hit the cross bar in every warm up. If I don’t do these things I am not mentally prepared to play in that game. Which can be bad because I won’t be prepared and mentally in the game.

   So in my opinion I believe that superstitions are healthy and an important part in the game. Hockey is a wonderful game and it can make anybody have fun.

Cheers Donkey