Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hockey superstitions good or bad?

    Some of the greatest players to have ever laced up a pair of skates all have some sort of superstitions. Patrick Roy one of the greatest players to have ever step foot onto the ice, had not one but many rituals that he followed throughout his career. He would always jump over the lines on the ice never to step on one. He also would have conversations with his goal post's after they would save him numerous of times. Another prime example of players being superstitious is during the playoffs, players will not shave off there beard for the reason as they feel it brings them luck. I myself have superstitions and rituals that if I don't follow, I mentally have an awful game, so our hockey rituals and superstitions bad?

     Players in hockey know that hockey is not all about the physical strength and skill. It’s just as much about the mental preparation and determination. For me if I don`t prepare myself mentally for a game I won’t be ready for that battle on the ice. Superstitions in hockey are the basics to having a good performance it gets a player mentally prepared and focussed for the task at hand. All the greats that are in the Hall of Fame or still playing know that skill doesn’t win you hockey games, you need your mind just about as much as you need your skill. For me my superstitions are I can’t have my blade of my stick touch the ground before I touch the ice, I also have to hit the cross bar in every warm up. If I don’t do these things I am not mentally prepared to play in that game. Which can be bad because I won’t be prepared and mentally in the game.

   So in my opinion I believe that superstitions are healthy and an important part in the game. Hockey is a wonderful game and it can make anybody have fun.

Cheers Donkey

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