Sunday, October 3, 2010

Top ten hockey slang terms.

      Hockey has its own language in where if you don't play hockey, you probably won’t understand what they’re saying. It can also be called hockey terminology. Here are my top ten favourite slang words for hockey.

       Top 10 slang for hockey

10. Gordie Howe hat trick - Where a player will score a goal, a assist and get into a fight all in the same game.

9. Natural Hat Trick - Is where a player scores 3 goals in a row, without anyone else on the ice scoring in between his goals.

8. Playoff Beard - The greatest thing about the playoffs over than winning the Stanley Cup is where a player we not shave is facial hair during the playoffs until his team is eliminated from the post season.

7. Gino - This means a goal in hockey terms, when a player scores.

6. Apple - This means an assist, which is when a player passes to the player who scored.

5. Sin Bin - This refers to a penalty box

4. Twig - A hockey stick is often called a twig, because in the old days everything was made out of wood.

3. Yard Sale - When a player gets hit on the ice and losing some of his gear, usually his gloves helmet and stick.

2. Tilly - When a two opposing players drop there gloves and we have a good old fashion hockey fight.

1. Bar Down - Every hockey players dream when there little is to take a shot and have it hit the crossbar and goal straight down into the net.

So now go out there with this knowledge and be that hockey player that makes a difference,

Cheers Donkey.


  1. nobody user 7 and 6...ever. That's awful Gongshow slang that never picked up with the 14 and above crowd. Ask yourself how many pros have used apple or gino to describe a goal.

    Yeah, exactly.

    1. Everyone says Gino and Apple ya fuckin men's league wash up.

    2. Your right brother Nvr heard apple or Gino till I read this

    3. Your right brother Nvr heard apple or Gino till I read this

    4. someone just said gino on my team today you god awful uneducated bitch

  2. Yall don't know hockey if you've never heard of Geno and Apple.

  3. This list isn't great....sin bin and yard sale aren't even hockey specific terms. And playoff beard is not slang, that's literally just describing what it is.

  4. Gino is great slang, but definitely not apple

  5. Apple and Gino are both definitely hockey terms. They're old slang words, that are still very popular. I hear them all the time on both Canadian and US broadcasting.

  6. Geno & apple are hockey terms if uve never heard them its prolly cause u played in middle school and spent most of ur time riding the bench. Or u played some but never actually got a geno or an apple.

  7. Geno is used all the time but I've never heard apple before this. Also a playoff beard is just a beard a player grows in the playoffs its not slang

  8. At least we all know why a puck is called a puck...
    Dirty little bastard was already taken-Martin Brodeur
